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Letting The Universe Sort It Out

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What's this about?

Undoubtedly, you've heard us make this suggestion before.

Let the universe sort it out.

In the series of 7 daily conversations, along with your perfect questions, we invite you to take a deep breath, release that breath, and let the universe actually do what it is already doing: sorting everything out.

The most impractical bill of goods you've ever sold yourself was the one where you try to convince yourself that maintaining control on the situations you've manifested for yourself is, somehow, necessary.

You sit at the center of great magic that is arising from within you.

This place you inhabit is working for you, on your behalf, and to your benefit.

Every aspect of your body is working for you, in the right way, right here and right now...

Every relationship is rising up in perfect timing for every moment as each one does...

All of the cash is in its right place and right amount...

Every bit of your creative self-expression is finding its right form, right here, and right now...

This garden of delights is for you, in all forms and in all ways, right now...

We invite you to feel this, relax into this, and decide it is actually fine for all of these things to sort themselves out for you and to your benefit.

Every breath you take is testament to this.

Take another one and you will feel how this is the case.

As with all of our conversations, we invite you to be part of this as it pleases you to do so.

And, as with all of our conversations, we know this one will be the very best one yet.

And, as always, we look forward to interacting with you, in whatever way that may be.


June 1, 2019: Letting the universe sort it out.

June 1, 2019: How can I stop worrying about my finances?

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: June 1, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #1: Letting the universe sort it out. 10:11
Question #1: How can I stop worrying about my finances? 9:42
Question #2: Harmful is not the opposite of helpful. 3:58

Sunday: June 2, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #2: What you did was exactly right. 21:09
Question #3: Is all of this for me to enjoy the ride? 1:01
Question #4: I'm keeping the sabbath in a more orthodox way than I'm used to. 12:57

Monday: June 3, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #3: Now that you know the universe is sorting things out. 22:02
Question #5: I asked her to reschedule. 7:54
Question #6: All of the ways I'm not motivated. 7:24
Question #7: I want to go back to the beach. 7:03

Tuesday: June 4, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #4: This is unconditional love. 18:50
Question #8: If I control other people, I should feel better. 8:53
Question #9: My youngest son is a problem to solve. 9:51
Question #10: Everything always works out better than I thought it would. 11:26
Question #11: I'm not sure about going to see my parents. 15:15

Wednesday: June 5, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #5: Using your intuition. 24:26
Question #12: I want to go to this seminar in August. 5:16
Question #13: This really can be a happy dream. 17:07

Thursday: June 6, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #6: You're not in control. 17:10
Question #14: If I'm not in control, then what is going to happen? 16:23
Question #15: I feel guilty about what happened. 18:38

Friday: June 7, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #7: The universe of your thoughts really is sorting everything out. 9:11
Question #16: I feel shame about the email I sent. 17:51
Question #17: My daughter is lying to me. 26:39
Question #18: I want a new relationship. 4:41
Question #19: Fear and anxiety are blocking my emotion. 9:10

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Letting The Universe Sort It Out

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