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Free-Flowing Cash

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What's this about?

We've said it many times and it bears repeating: the manifestation of cash dollars, pounds, or euro, is much easier than many of you are willing to imagine or allow.

In this series of 7 daily conversations, along with your delicious questions and the powerful answers they bring about, we invite you to put your attention on how free-flowing the cash in your life actually is.

There is no limit or bounds to the power of your manifestation which simply arises from your desire and comes forth as a result of your exquisite allowing.

We know, from where we sit, that abundance is yours and it is yours, here and now, in this place and in this moment.

Giving yourself the gift of noticing this amplifies your experience of it.

And... to be quite clear... you might need to get off the idea that you don't have enough and are not doing it right.

We invite you, as always, to join this series as it feels better to do.

We know, as always, that this will be the best one of these series yet.

And, as always, we look forward to connecting with you through this powerful and delicious series of conversations in what ever way that may be.



May 25, 2019: The nature of free-flowing cash.

May 25, 2019: I can manifest in the present moment.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: May 25, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #1: The nature of free-flowing cash. 24:33
Question #1: If I'm not making money, then what will I do? 15:43
Question #2: I'm looking at what I have and it's not enough. 19:30
Question #3: My fear is what happens when I tell others about my money issues. 12:03
Question #4: I can manifest in the present moment. 22:49

Sunday: May 26, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #2: Everything is free-flowing. 18:27
Question #5: Material things are pure potential until we notice them. 32:57
Question #6: If I really let myself have freedom, who will I hurt? 6:45

Monday: May 27, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #3: Adoring cash. 12:06
Question #7: I've been looking at the cash I have on hand. 37:14
Question #8: How can I release holding onto extra things I don't want. 12:31

Tuesday: May 28, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #4: Cash and illumination. 24:34
Question #9: I was doing so well and now this is going to put a stop to what I want. 21:22
Question #10: I need to do somethng to make money. 22:56

Wednesday: May 29, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #5: The idea and the feeling of free-flowing cash. 12:19
Question #11: I think I'm bashing myself about all of this. 15:05
Question #12: I want to do fun things. 10:36
Question #13: I like this krona note. 11:17

Thursday: May 30, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #6: This is all perfect. 23:54
Question #14: The slow drip of flow. 6:14
Question #15: It all comes down to surrender. 20:27
Question #16: It seems like I need to do something. 19:29

Friday: May 31, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #7: Going downstream with the flow of abundance. 11:33
Question #17: I like checking in with myself. 11:23
Question #18: I want more money. 20:51

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Free-Flowing Cash

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