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Intuition Is What Feels Better

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What's this about?

In this series of 7 daily conversations, along with your delicious questions, we invite you to think practically about your intuition.

To put it simply: intuition is what feels better right now.

There is nothing complex about intuition at its most basic, fundamental, and practical.

As we've discussed before, your intuition is like a green light.

If it feels better, just go.

If it feels worse, do something else.

It really is this simple.

It may feel much more complex and that is why we bring this series to the table.

We are here to remind you of how easy your intuition is and how it is always available and always helping you, right here and right now.

As we move through the course of these conversations and questions, we will be talking about how this applies to a whole host of specific topics: your cash, your relationships, your creative self-expression, your body, and on and on.

And, of course, we look forward to your questions on this subject and all the juiciness they will bring forth.

Most of all, we invite you to join us if this feels better. And only as it feels better to do so!


April 17, 2019: Introduction to Intuition Is What Feels Better

April 20, 2019: Intuition is what feels better.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: April 20, 2019

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Conversation #1: Intuition is what feels better. 15:41

Sunday: April 21, 2019

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Conversation #2: The doing and the saying. 13:53
Question #1: I didn't think I would get my paycheck. 10:23
Question #2: Sometimes I'm just going with the flow. 13:43

Monday: April 22, 2019

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Conversation #3: There is nothing you ever need to do. 13:21
Question #3: I had a fight with my brother last week. 12:54

Tuesday: April 23, 2019

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Conversation #4: A practical discussion of resistance. 18:06

Wednesday: April 24, 2019

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Conversation #5: A practical discussion of resistance. 13:05
Question #4: Spending money. 9:14
Question #5: This feels liberating. 8:06

Thursday: April 25, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #6: What feels better. 14:02
Question #6: I want to quit my job. 8:50
Question #7: Intuition is not a big dramatic moment. 3:18
Question #8: I'm tired but I need to make money. 20:44

Friday: April 26, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #7: You can never turn off your intuition. 15:19
Question #9: I was judging how they were walking. 14:34
Question #10: Reality is a dream. 9:44
Question #11: I'm noticing how much my husband talks about how hard he works. 7:26

What's the price?

$58 CAD
Optional Add-ons
Discounted private sessions
 $87 CAD
for 30 minutes (50% off)

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Intuition Is What Feels Better

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