The Nature Of Your Relationship :: Register

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The Nature Of Your Relationship

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What's this about?

The title of this series is almost in the form of a question.

What is the nature of your relationship?

From where we sit, that is an easy answer.

The nature of your relationship is unconditional love.

In this series of 7 daily conversations, along with your powerful questions and our aligned answers, we will be reminding you of who you are in relationship with anyone but, in particular, with your beloved, whether you know them or not.

In this series, we invite you to remember from where your relationship arises.

We invite you to notice that you do not act out unconditional love with anyone or anything.

All of your acting is, in fact, quite conditional.

And that's right.

It's not a bug.

It's a feature.

As the programmers might say...

In fact, you don't really know, from where you sit, what unconditional love truly is.

However, unconditional love is the nature of your relationship.

This is what is important.

This is what, in fact, you can rely on and relax into.

It is our intention, through this series of conversations, to remind you of what that really means.

It won't change your life, but it might very well change you perception and that, indeed, could change your life.

All that matters to us, however, is to remind you of what you have now, with whomever it may be, and in whatever form it may take.

And that is unconditional love: manifesting through you, around you, for you, and because of you.


March 9, 2019: The nature of your relationship.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: March 9, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #1: The nature of your relationship. 15:48
Question #1: My relationship with my son. 11:12
Question #2: My relationship with my beloved. 13:00

Sunday: March 10, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #2: The perfection of your relationship. 17:26
Question #3: My relationship with my beloved at my age. 18:26
Question #4: My relationship with my beloved and the keeping of the house. 15:09

Monday: March 11, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #3: The perfection of your relationship, continued. 14:08
Question #5: My relationship with my beloved across the ocean. 13:51
Question #6: My relationship with my beloved and how much I adore him. 8:39
Question #7: My relationship with my friend at lunch. 5:37

Tuesday: March 12, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #4: Your relationships are all with you. 21:47
Question #8: My relationship with my beloved is established. 11:04
Question #9: Being easy with myself. 4:21
Question #10: My relationship with my numerous friends. 6:20

Wednesday: March 13, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #5: Your relationship is here and now. 10:37
Question #11: Isn't there something I'm supposed to be doing? 11:01
Question #12: Inspiration versus motivation. 14:57
Question #13: I'm motivated by fear. 9:16

Thursday: March 14, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #6: Why you are in a relationship. 15:22
Question #14: I have these questions about the nature of my relationships. 7:30
Question #15: These relationships are superficial. 11:13

Friday: March 15, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #7: The nature of your relationship is unconditional love. 13:30
Question #16: What about emotional conflict? 15:45
Question #17: It seems like I'm not heard. 8:35
Question #18: My father and my partner don't talk to each other. 14:01

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The Nature Of Your Relationship

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