The Problem With Trying To Make Money :: Register

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The Problem With Trying To Make Money

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What's this about?

There is, as always, a bit of a problem whenever you sit down and plot out how to do something, such as how to make money.

The problem arises because you must first establish the so-called fact of the problem that will be addressed through the plotting, planning, and scheming.

And, when it comes to making money...

Many of you will simply go to work.

That's easy enough.

And, if that feels better, we highly recommend you do so.

However, if it is your desire to have an increasing amount of cash in your hot little hand, regardless of you current situation, may we recommend a different approach?

In this series of 7 daily morning conversations, along with your powerful questions, we will be offering you a different way of being and doing when it comes to this very common so-called problem of trying to make money.

As always, we invite you to join in on the fun if it feels better to do so.

We know that this will be the very best of these series of conversations to date and very much look forward to connecting with you through these delights.


February 23, 2019: The problem with trying to make money.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: February 23, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #1: The problem with trying to make money. 17:13
Question #1: These next four years. 5:03
Question #2: The psychological thrill versus the present moment. 12:10

Sunday: February 24, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #2: This straw man. 16:48
Question #3: I want more cash. 7:33
Question #4: But I still owe money. 13:52

Monday: February 25, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #3: An invitation to open your mind. 24:03
Question #5: All these people and their successes. 22:24
Question #6: I'm having fun just playing. 7:34

Tuesday: February 26, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #4: We invite you to dream, for real. 17:19

Wednesday: February 27, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #5: The point is that it feels better to feel better. 22:23
Question #7: Can you help me relax into this experience? 8:10
Question #8: I didn't do what felt better in the past. 12:02

Thursday: February 28, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #6: The contractual ways you tie yourself to money. 21:35
Question #9: I didn't take action fast enough and lost out on a great deal. 6:12
Question #10: These little seedlings. 12:40
Question #11: I like not having debt. 3:52

Friday: March 1, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #7: Letting the Universe of your thoughts do it for you. 11:53
Question #12: I'm worried. 2:12
Question #13: My son has a break coming up. 14:13
Question #14: My son will be graduating and I want to book a nice hotel. 7:15
Question #15: I appreciate what they did for me. 5:31

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
for 30 minutes (50% off)

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The Problem With Trying To Make Money

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