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Allowing Is Key

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What's this about?

You intend an almost endless number of experiences that never once come into manifesting form.

This is a good thing.

Your life is an exquisitely perfect collection of manifesting forms that are constantly coming in and out of focus according to what is perfect for you right here and right now.

When we say that allowing is key, we're not inviting you to get better at allowing.

You already allow perfectly.

But you're not always willing to see that.

And, to be clear, that is where all pain arises.

So, allowing yourself to see that where you are and what you have is exactly right for you right now is a tremendous gift you can give yourself at any moment you so choose.

In this series of 7 powerful daily conversations, including your delicious questions and the amazing answers they call forth, we invite you to allow yourself to see how much you have already that is perfectly wonderful for you right now and then let that thought amplify and take its own astounding shape as it does.


August 4, 2018: Allowing is key.

August 4, 2018: I need to pay these bills.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: August 4, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #1: Allowing is key. 21:00
Question #1: I need to pay these bills. 8:03
Question #2: I'm feeling a lot of anxiety about having to move. 13:57

Sunday: August 5, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #2: Allowing is your default. 8:31
Question #4: I'm trying to understand how I'm not the only in my house. 11:50
Question #5: I do really have what I want. 9:47

Monday: August 6, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #3: A practical example of allowing. 14:02
Question #6: I'm trying to understand what kind of feeling better this is. 11:20
Question #7: What do I do when none of the choices feel better? 2:24
Question #8: I'm not good at allowing. 9:00

Tuesday: August 7, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #4: What you can do. 18:47
Question #9: I'm still feeling anxiety. 15:33

Wednesday: August 8, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #5: Allowing yourself to take action that feels better. 11:05
Question #11: I didn't understand some of what you said. 4:16
Question #12: I am feeling better right now. 12:27
Question #13: They didn't pay me everything they owe. 14:46

Thursday: August 9, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #6: Imagining what is happening for you. 11:06
Question #15: I can't relate to the thought that I have everything I want. 12:41
Question #16: I still have questions. 13:33

Friday: August 10, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #7: This radical notion. 9:32
Question #17: What about when I have a headache? 10:49
Question #18: How can I let go of this thought? 12:00

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Allowing Is Key

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