Abundance :: Register

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What's this about?

In this series of 7 daily conversations, along with your powerful questions and the delicious answers they bring forth, we invite you to flip the table from a rather usual approach and invite you to actually use the natural and indwelling abundance available to you right now.

You see, there is an abundance within you that has populated your physical reality and all its components.

Recognition of this powerful presence can be quiet astonishing at first.

But, as you decide to remember who you really are, you will continue to see this indwelling truth as being what it is: the basis of your expression as you through your body, your personality, and all that you have brought forth as a result.

In this series, we invite you to remember that reality forms itself around you from the inside out.

You can play with the objects in your reality however it is that pleases you to do so, including temporarily blinding yourself to the truth of who you are.

You don't, however, need to deny the fact that abundance rises up within you.

And, in this deliciously amazing series of conversations, we invite you to remember from where abundance arises and that you can use it. Here and now.


July 7, 2018: Abundance.

July 7, 2018: This is obviously another call about money, why is that?

July 8, 2018: The fundamental nature of abundance.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: July 7, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #1: Abundance. 13:53
Question #1: This is obviously another call about money, why is that? 10:16

Sunday: July 8, 2018

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Conversation #2: The fundamental nature of abundance. 19:51

Monday: July 9, 2018

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Conversation #3: How abundance takes shape. 14:38
Question #3: This is bringing up a lot of emotion for me. 16:23
Question #5: I was so frustrated this morning. 7:22

Tuesday: July 10, 2018

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Conversation #4: Why money doesn't work for you. 10:49
Question #6: The semantics of money. 6:33
Question #7: I spent a night in a beautiful home. 6:51

Wednesday: July 11, 2018

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Conversation #5: The real nature of cash. 17:10
Question #8: Was that enough? 10:07
Question #9: I don't have to do anything to receive cash. 18:29

Thursday: July 12, 2018

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Conversation #6: The vastness of abundance. 21:09
Question #10: Do you have some practical examples? 5:01
Question #12: This abundant thought right now and right here is serving me. 11:49

Friday: July 13, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #7: What abundance really is. 18:52
Question #13: What about debt? 9:02

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