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Using Contrast

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What's this about?

Stuff happens.

And some of that stuff is stuff that you don't like.

But it is always possible to find the benefit of the stuff as it is happening.

In this series of 7 daily calls, along with your delicious questions and the powerful answers they bring forth, we invite you to let stuff happen and let it reveal itself to you as the gift that it is.

This is simple in concept but may be a little more difficult to apply in the moment.

And, for that reason, we will be offering you 7 days of mulling over and looking into and opening up to the possibility that whatever the stuff is, it is, at its center, good stuff.

As with all these series, we invite you to bring your powerful, real-world questions to the table.

The more willing you are to look at the stuff, whatever it is, the more you will get out of this series.

But, don't worry, you won't have to tell the world your deepest and darkest secrets.

All we suggest is that you be willing to do so and then step back and let the universe of your thoughts do its magic.


June 30, 2018: Using contrast.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: June 30, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #1: Using contrast. 13:36
Question #1: She doesn't walk her talk but he does. 7:22
Question #2: I want my body to do what I want it to do. 7:08

Sunday: July 1, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #2: Getting rid of what you don't like. 15:21
Question #3: My oldest son said that his childhood was painful. 10:30
Question #4: The truth in it is in the feeling better. 7:33

Monday: July 2, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #3: The delusion of how contrast is out to get you. 13:32
Question #6: What's in it for me in this contrast? 7:51

Tuesday: July 3, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #4: Using contrast means you are paying attention. 10:06
Question #7: A rampage of gratitude. 4:28
Question #8: I'm uneasy about this contract I signed. 6:08
Question #9: This has been going on for a while. 13:12

Wednesday: July 4, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #5: Sitting with your creations. 13:32
Question #11: I don't like the president. 16:27
Question #12: A rampage on this beautiful morning. 4:45

Thursday: July 5, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #6: Why it's beneficial to look at the contrast. 10:47
Question #13: I'm feeling this wonderful enthusiasm. 7:35
Question #14: What to do with this woman in my group? 10:37
Question #15: What about my husband? 19:55

Friday: July 6, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #7: This contrast is here to serve you. 10:12
Question #16: I have a house in escrow. 5:44
Question #18: How creation works. 11:20
Question #19: This feeling is like freedom. 5:40

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$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Using Contrast

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