Amplifying Your Havingness :: Register

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Amplifying Your Havingness

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What's this about?

In this series of 7 daily calls, we invite you to allow your greatest desires to come to fruition.

We invite you to notice what you have already.

This is the primary way that all manifestation occurs.

You notice what you have and it amplifies.

You are always directly experiencing the form of your powerful desires: the air you breathe, the water you drink, the sun and moon above you.

All of these things are direct, specific manifestations of who you are and who you are becoming.

When you turn to something you've practiced the belief of not having, these powerful examples can suddenly seem small and incidental.

After all, you've been working for so long to convince yourself that you don't have what you want.

It can seem almost impossible that you might have what you actually want.

In this series, we invite you to consider what you truly desire that you have not decided to allow to manifest.

This isn't any kind of problem-solving.

This is an invitation to amplify your havingness.

You are, as you well know, in the right place and at the right time, both here and now.

In this series, we invite you to come to the table and decide the right time is now and the right place is here for your manifestational delight.


March 17, 2018: Amplifying your havingness.

March 17, 2018: What about this anxiety?

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: March 17, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #1: Amplifying your havingness 16:11
Question #1: What about this anxiety? 4:18
Question #2: How can I do this better? 6:54
Question #3: I like this fizziness feeling. 8:29

Sunday: March 18, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #2: More about amplification. 13:59
Question #4: The ease of access to having. 13:24

Monday: March 19, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #3: More about havingness. 19:24
Question #5: Having and desire. 9:35

Tuesday: March 20, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #4: Thoughts only amplify; they don't correct. 13:07
Question #6: I'm having these thoughts that feel like they're perfect. 12:31
Question #7: What about spontaneous remission? 8:42

Wednesday: March 21, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #5: Why it looks like thoughts do correct. 13:55
Question #8: I'm worried about this thing. 13:07
Question #9: What about my alternate selves? 9:59

Thursday: March 22, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #6: Every thought is here to help you. 19:34
Question #10: Thinking about my greatest desire. 4:03
Question #11: There was all this chatter about whether this made any sense. 12:34

Friday: March 23, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #7: Everything is subjective. 13:01
Question #12: The distinction between directing and controlling. 3:14
Question #13: I stopped trying and then things fell into place. 4:50
Question #14: I just can't stand to go to work anymore. 16:46

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$50.00 USD
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Amplifying Your Havingness

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