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Intentional Intuition

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What's this about?

In this series of delicious conversations, we invite you to take full advantage of the intention you set and the intuition that flows from that and to bring them together, realizing you can intend to follow your intuition in a space of ease, simplicity, and clarity.

Intention is what you decide.

Intuition is how you are involved in the unfolding of what you intend.

As you involve yourself in that unfolding intention, new intentions are set.

Walking across the room from one spot to another is a very simple example of this.

In this series, we invite you to discover what is right under your nose.

We invite you to let yourself have what you have been intending all along.

We invite you to follow you intuition.

And we invite you to let your intention happen by following your intuition.

As always, we look forward to our interactions with you through these conversations, however they may happen.


August 23, 2017: Letting your intuition lead you into your intention.

August 26, 2017: Intentional intuition.

August 26, 2017: I don't understand what intuition really is.

August 26, 2017: I'm being supported so I don't have to figure anything out.

August 30, 2017: What do I do next?

Here's what happened in this event

Wednesday: August 23, 2017

Description Length
Preview #1: Letting your intuition lead you into your intention. 3:43

Saturday: August 26, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #1: Intentional intuition. 13:38
Question #1: I don't understand what intuition really is. 9:10
Question #2: I'm being supported so I don't have to figure anything out. 4:09
Question #3: I don't want to organize this vacation. 5:21
Question #4: All this energy and time I feel like I spend trying to fix relationships. 3:35

Sunday: August 27, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #2: About those green lights and red lights. 13:26
Question #5: I want to find the green lights behind the red lights. 15:00
Question #6: It's all so easy. 2:08
Question #7: Trying to make things happen so that I will feel better. 2:15

Monday: August 28, 2017

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Conversation #3: Intuition is the leading edge. 8:53
Question #8: How can I keep making this much money? 6:01
Question #9: More about what intuition is. 5:33

Tuesday: August 29, 2017

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Conversation #4: Intuition is what happens when you see what is really happening. 10:21
Question #10: Where is my stuff. 4:44

Wednesday: August 30, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #5: Looking more deeply at intention. 15:20
Question #11: I'm experiencing some delicious contentment and boredom. 21:52
Question #12: I'm having some social awkwardness here in Russia. 9:09
Question #13: I'm frustrated and I'm not being kind to myself. 6:31
Question #14: What do I do next? 9:17

Thursday: August 31, 2017

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Conversation #6: Where do you want to go from here? 11:37
Question #15: Embracing creation. 15:22
Question #16: I don't care. 4:34

Friday: September 1, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #7: In the midst of your amazing creation. 14:11
Question #17: I want to get things going. 12:59
Question #18: I didn't follow my intuition. 2:30

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Intentional Intuition

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