Intending And Having Cash Now, Part 2 :: Register

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Intending And Having Cash Now, Part 2

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What's this about?

So, it is undoubtedly your intention to have more cash.

In this continuing series of 7 daily delicious interactions, we invite you to intend to have the cash you desire now and not wait for something to happen to make it so.

In the waiting, you are simply delaying something you already know you desire.

Now, it could be that what you are doing is easing your way into the having of it.

And that's just fine.

But you don't actually need to do this.

And, as some of you have told us time and again, you do believe you need to wait.

You need to wait until that person pays you.

You need to wait until your paycheck arrives.

You need to wait until your clients buy your products or services.

Cash, after all, can't just drop out of the sky.

However, that is precisely what it is doing when someone pays you, when you receive your paycheck, and when your clients buy your products or services.

The difference is that you are expecting that to happen because the pathway is known to you.

But the universe of your thoughts doesn't care about known pathways.

It only adheres to them because you think it's important for that to happen.

So, as it pleases you to do so, we invite you to join us for this delicious and amazing series of conversations that will all be about having what you want now rather than later.


April 1, 2017: There is no process.

April 3, 2017: It's impossible to manifest money.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: April 1, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #1: There is no process. 19:24
Question #1: I'm feeling the contrast of not having enough money. 15:12
Question #2: The place between the imagining and the willing. 9:53
Question #3: I can feel the aliveness of the desire. 5:41

Sunday: April 2, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #2: Something wonderful is happening. 12:13
Question #4: I feel stuck between the magic and the logic. 11:39
Question #5: I don't want to spend from this stash. 18:27

Monday: April 3, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #3: It's impossible to manifest money. 12:42
Question #6: When I have all this money. 20:20

Tuesday: April 4, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #4: Using contrast to your benefit. 12:51
Question #7: This person is not going to pay me back. 7:23
Question #8: I've always been close to large amounts of money. 14:21
Question #9: The contrast of the sound of the rain. 5:35
Question #10: I'm enjoying relief and ease on this topic. 5:06

Wednesday: April 5, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #5: The process is irrelevant. 14:37
Question #11: When appreciation feels forced. 6:20
Question #12: I feel like I'm limiting myself. 15:39
Question #13: I felt some disappointment. 5:11
Question #14: The astrologer told me about a cash windfall this June. 5:35

Thursday: April 6, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #6: Saying you don't have something isn't very helpful. 11:00
Question #15: I often see clergy doing amusing things. 13:56
Question #16: I've been feeling an incredible sense of tension. 10:16
Question #17: Is being so lazy a smart move? 9:32

Friday: April 7, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #7: Your assessment. 16:45
Question #18: How can I gamify my life? 9:40
Question #19: I want five thousand more dollars. 23:15
Question #20: I'm dissatisfied. 11:59
Question #21: I'm loving this call. 2:48

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Intending And Having Cash Now, Part 2

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