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The Freedom Of Letting Go

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What's this about?

When you let your thoughts go and do what they are here to do for you, it is quite magical.

The freedom in letting this happen cannot be overstated.

In this series of 7 delicious daily interactions, we invite you to at least be willing to entertain the thought of letting your thoughts go do what they are here to do for you and to enjoy the freedom that is in that thought.

There is nothing that needs to be done here and that is all to the point.

We could go into descriptions of great length about why this is powerful, why this is right for you, why this is what would be most helpful, and on and on, but it suffices to say that the first two sentences of this description are the most complete and most direct way to let you know what we are offering:

There is great freedom in letting your thoughts do their work for you.

And, as we always do, we know that this will be the very best of these series of conversations to date.

And, we invite you to participate as it feels better to do so. We certainly look forward to connecting with you in whatever way that may be.


January 21, 2017: The freedom of letting go.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: January 21, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #1: The freedom of letting go. 17:53
Question #1: I want to let all these opinions go. 4:47

Sunday: January 22, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #2: Letting the thoughts happen. 13:33
Question #3: I don't want to worry about the future. 11:10

Monday: January 23, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #3: Letting your thoughts run rampant. 13:35
Question #4: When I let my thoughts run rampant, I feel like I'm on a hamster wheel. 9:27
Question #5: My mother is in the hospital. 9:37

Tuesday: January 24, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #4: The present is where everything is happening. 12:08
Question #6: I'm spending too much time reading about politics. 7:20
Question #8: I have papers to grade. 20:24

Wednesday: January 25, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #5: This is not about getting rid of things you don't like. 12:01
Question #9: I'm letting these thoughts flow. 7:58
Question #10: I love to have a warm beverage in the morning. 8:44
Question #11: This letting go is so immediate. 4:29

Thursday: January 26, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #6: What about letting these thoughts go? 10:01
Question #12: I was feeling the frustration with my students. 15:12
Question #13: Getting off this see-saw. 7:50
Question #14: Life is good. 1:51

Friday: January 27, 2017

Description Length
Conversation #7: Letting a thought go. 12:51
Question #15: About that broken coffee cup. 8:52
Question #16: I am thin. 13:51
Question #17: I made a decision for myself. 5:55

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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The Freedom Of Letting Go

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