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Still Not Giving A Fig

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What's this about?

The fastest way from here to there is to not give a fig.

These figs, wonderfully tasty as they may be, do tend to get in the way of you having what you're intending to have.

Giving a fig is a highly reasonable approach.

Motivation says that you must give a fig.

Motivation says that you should never give up.

Motivation is concerned with where you've been and how you're going to get there.

Inspiration, however, is not concerned with any of this.

Inspiration knows that you are in the right place at the right time and that there is no exception to this.

When you decide to not give a fig, what you're doing is deciding for the magic of who you are in all of your creation.

It's quite amazing indeed.

In these seven delicious daily conversations, along with your powerful questions and the wondrous answers that arise in response, we invite you to truly relax into the amazingness that happens when you simply do not give a fig.

We know, since we don't give a fig ourselves, that this will be the very best of these conversations to date.

We invite you to not give a fig, however that may look to you.


December 3, 2016: Still not giving a fig.

Special note for this event

Please note: The word "fig" is being used in this series title as a stand-in for the actual word that will be used in the conversations that rhymes with the word "duck." Quack!

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: December 3, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #1: Still not giving a fig. 8:40
Question #1: I don't give a fig about this weight. 11:11
Question #2: I wanted to ask this other question. 8:59

Sunday: December 4, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #2: Not giving a fig about not giving a fig. 11:24
Question #3: I was cutting a melon and I got it. 2:03
Question #4: I don't like the contrast. 16:57
Question #5: I woke up happy. 8:35
Question #6: Not giving a fig about romantic relationships. 10:49

Monday: December 5, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #3: None of this is really important. 8:36
Question #7: Being easy and compassionate with myself. 20:47

Tuesday: December 6, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #4: When you don't give a fig, you're not doing anything. 10:22
Question #8: I want to not give a fig about my weight right now. 10:09
Question #9: I'm feeling more and more freedom but what about my to-do list? 18:48

Wednesday: December 7, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #5: To say you don't give a fig, you're still giving a fig. 9:50
Question #10: I didn't like how my friend responded to my offer to help. 13:06

Thursday: December 8, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #6: Giving a fig about what other people need. 8:55
Question #11: I don't like what my daughter is exposed to. 26:09
Question #12: I try to see my son as the incredible human being he is. 5:38

Friday: December 9, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: The magic is in the feeling better. 7:59
Question #13: This wonderful thing happened in the middle of the night. 6:03
Question #14: I feel blind-sided. 14:21

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Still Not Giving A Fig

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