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Metaphysical Romance

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What's this about?

Note: This event is for anyone, regardless of relationship status.

Meeting the man or woman of your dreams is an idea that is dismissed in your culture as being one of fantasy that is simply too fantastical to be possible.

However, you are always meeting the man or woman of your dreams since you are always dreaming and you are always meeting men and women.

The idea in this series of 7 daily conversations, along with your powerful questions and the delicious answers they bring to the table, is that you are already in an amazing romantic relationship whether you are married, single, or otherwise categorized.

Being in this relationship, since all ideas are instantly manifested, is simply a matter of perception.

Whether you sleep single in a double bed or are sleeping with one or many, you are already in the relationship of your dreams.

And, so, we ask: of what and of whom do you dream?

This is basic metaphysics.

You are in the relationship.

What do you want from here?

Join us for the magic and delight of this series of conversations for we know that there is something wonderful going on here whether you see it or not.

And, as always, we know that this experience will be the best one yet. It always is. That's how thoughts work, after all.


November 5, 2016: Your metaphysical romance.

November 6, 2016: The metaphysical basis of your romance.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: November 5, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #1: Your metaphysical romance. 14:09
Question #1: I know I can have the relationship I want. 2:45
Question #2: I'm good at the imagining part, but... 16:21
Question #3: I had an amazing relationship and I'm afraid I can't have another one. 17:58
Question #4: My gratitude for what I could imagine. 3:02

Sunday: November 6, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #2: The metaphysical basis of your romance. 12:02
Question #5: How much I love being single. 4:33
Question #6: I dreamt I was with an old partner. 18:25
Question #7: This is a hologram. 10:54

Monday: November 7, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #3: You are already in a relationship. 11:54
Question #8: How do I stop focusing on what I don't like about my husband? 4:41
Question #9: How about with my client? 3:34
Question #10: Every interaction is a gift. 7:21

Tuesday: November 8, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #4: This is your relationship right now. 10:03
Question #11: The power of imagination. 19:46
Question #12: I've been giving more than receiving. 5:05
Question #13: I want someone to go to dinner with. 9:43

Wednesday: November 9, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #5: Your imagination is everything. 12:49
Question #14: If everyone is a reflection of me, how do I deal with someone I don't like? 9:23
Question #15: I'm noticing that it's OK for others to have their reactions. 9:16
Question #16: Is this a new age of selfishness? 12:51

Thursday: November 10, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #6: Be in the relationship now. 12:12
Question #17: I feel hesitant. 23:37
Question #18: I'm basking. 3:12
Question #19: I didn't do anything wrong. 2:38

Friday: November 11, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: This magical relationship. 11:05
Question #20: The decision for the magic. 10:12

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Metaphysical Romance

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