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Your Way

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What's this about?

There is only one way for anything: Your Way.

In this series of seven daily conversations, along with your powerful questions and the delicious answers they call forth, we invite you to do things just one way. We invite you to follow your path, your desire, your way.

Your way is the way that has always been right even when you had forgotten this was true.

As you decide for your way and follow your way and lay out your way, you will find life getting easier, feeling more abundant, and expressing itself in more and more obvious and delicious forms.

In physical terms, your way starts every morning with your decision to awake.

As you do this, you engage physical reality and it comes to life for you, on your behalf, and to your benefit.

As you go through the day, you can remember that following your way is really the only way to do anything.

It is our intention to remind you of this. Not because you need to remember. But because you want to remember.

And, like all of our conversations that arise in response to your call, we know this one will be exactly right for you, right here and right now.

And, as always, we look forward to connecting with you in all these very delicious ways, indeed.


October 8, 2016: Your way.

October 8, 2016: I don't want to diet.

October 12, 2016: I don't like what is happening with my political party

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: October 8, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #1: Your way. 6:53
Question #1: I don't want to diet. 3:11
Question #2: I don't have to criticize myself. 3:35

Sunday: October 9, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #2: You are always going your way. 10:56
Question #3: Why did I make this decision? 7:29
Question #4: I didn't like the way he asked me why. 8:00

Monday: October 10, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #3: Having you way is not the same thing as getting your way. 8:55
Question #7: I know I created this experience I don't like. 10:16
Question #8: This where I'm at and I like it. 7:24

Tuesday: October 11, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #4: Your way is happening right now. 12:10
Question #9: I got a letter I didn't like. 10:30
Question #10: I've got to do something. 13:02
Question #11: They want me to move now. 15:12

Wednesday: October 12, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #5: Having versus getting. 10:59
Question #12: I don't like what is happening with my political party. 12:42
Question #13: I love not having a diet issue anymore. 2:49
Question #14: The difference between getting and having. 5:45

Thursday: October 13, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #6: The magic of noticing how it's all going your way. 8:10
Question #15: I got angry when I imagined my relationship. 14:19
Question #16: I want my big pile of cash and I don't have it. 14:33

Friday: October 14, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: Letting go of trying to get there. 8:40
Question #18: But what about the things that happened that I didn't like? 4:34

What's the price?

kr 300 DKK
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 kr 450 DKK
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Your Way

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