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Making A Decision

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What's this about?

Whenever you make a decision, you are instructing and directing your reality to take a new form and a new shape.

You sit at the center of your astonishingly delicious physical experience, which rises up around you, and takes shape according to the decisions you make.

You may very well be concerned with getting it right.

In this series of seven daily conversations, along with your powerful questions and the answers that arise in response, we invite you to remember that, when you decide, the universe of your thoughts follows.

It really is that simple.

The idea of getting it right versus getting it wrong is a ponderous see-saw that we highly recommend you get off of.

You can't get it right.

You can't get it wrong.

There is no right way and no wrong way. There is only your way.

And, from your decisions, the way that is yours defines itself and creates your reality. Just like that.


October 1, 2016: Making a decision.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: October 1, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #1: Making a decision. 11:33
Question #1: The next thought that feels better versus making a decision. 12:34
Question #2: I'm coming in to my power. 6:40
Question #4: Where I want to live. 17:08

Sunday: October 2, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #2: The simple decisions that you make. 8:13
Question #5: I've been clearing out clutter. 12:37
Question #6: I was powerfully indecisive. 4:17

Monday: October 3, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #3: The irresponsible decision. 13:48
Question #7: Should I choose a career? 5:52
Question #8: Paying attention to what is happening right now. 8:36
Question #9: Why was the process of deciding so hard? 9:25
Question #10: Why don't I feel better? 10:39

Tuesday: October 4, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #4: These micro decisions. 8:22
Question #11: So, if I decide I am tapped in and tuned in, I am? 4:06
Question #12: The manifestation I'm in right now is correct and that feels better. 9:06
Question #14: I want to have this big pile of cash. 12:44

Wednesday: October 5, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #5: The power of decisions. 10:33
Question #15: I wanted to have a positive interaction with this person. 8:33
Question #16: I felt sad when my cousin left. 6:20
Question #17: I'm going to jump out of my skin. 11:56

Thursday: October 6, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #6: The decision to not make a decision. 6:52
Question #18: I'm planning this retreat. 8:39
Question #19: Decisions of the past and their consequences. 4:02
Question #20: I still have anxiety. 4:22
Question #21: I want to have fun. 9:33
Question #22: All about time. 5:51

Friday: October 7, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: This is not about being decisive. 7:21
Question #23: What about decisions that don't stick? 7:02
Question #24: I have this resentment. 10:01
Question #25: Now I get it. 3:32

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Making A Decision

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