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Unreasonable Cash

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What's this about?

The instant manifestation of cash is an unreasonable and illogical idea of the highest magnitude.

And yet...

We invite you to develop a highly unreasonable approach to this metaphysically-correct idea.

You can have what you want, in the way you want it, right here and right now.

This series of 7 daily conversations with your delicious questions and our powerful answers is all about holding a thought of unreasonable expectation that you have what you desire right here and right now simply because you have the desire.

As we once asked:

What could be more unreasonable than to say that no matter how you got here, that this is the right place and the right time in the right way?

What could be more unreasonable than to say that the past is meaningless, except for the love and the joy and the freedom that you remember?

What could be more unreasonable than to declare that you are an unlimited being of light, having a deliciously abundant experience right now?

What could be more unreasonable than to decide that all that matters is that you feel better because feeling better is where you are going to meet up with what you are intending?

What could be more unreasonable than to direct your reality from that place of freedom that is constantly available and that says, clearly, that you can literally have the most exquisite life you are willing to have?

As we did then, we offer you these rhetorical questions as a way of inviting you into the deep and profound nature of this conversation that is all about cash and, yet, is not about cash, at all.

We, of course, are profoundly unreasonable.

We know that this will be the best of these delicious series of conversations to date.

And that is because, of course, it can be no other way.

That is what it means to hold unreasonable expectations. And we invite you to do the same and more.


September 17, 2016: Unreasonable cash.

September 17, 2016: I seem to get into a spiral of worrying about money.

September 18, 2016: It is quite easy to be highly unreasonable on any topic.

September 18, 2016: I don't remember ever feeling this bad about money.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: September 17, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #1: Unreasonable cash. 13:20
Question #1: I seem to get into a spiral of worrying about money. 12:48

Sunday: September 18, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #2: It is quite easy to be highly unreasonable on any topic. 7:01
Question #2: Am I on track to being unreasonable? 2:51
Question #3: This feeling of resignation. 9:09
Question #4: I don't remember ever feeling this bad about money. 6:06

Monday: September 19, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #3: You can have what you want because of the decision you make. 8:29
Question #5: I need a new car by the end of the month. 5:21
Question #6: I haven't made the decision to do it yet. 16:01
Question #7: The dilemma is my resistance to doing anything with my work. 12:25
Question #8: I realized my desire has expanded. 5:46

Tuesday: September 20, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #4: Dealing with money. 7:38
Question #9: Is he simply more aligned with cash than I am? 7:34
Question #10: What do you mean by being aligned with cash? 6:08
Question #11: This great abundance is available to me now. 14:16
Question #12: My desire for cash to fall out of the sky. 5:16

Wednesday: September 21, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #5: Being unreasonable. 8:36
Question #13: I'm trying to stave off worry. 5:53
Question #14: Me and my big windfall of cash. 6:29
Question #15: Is this unreasonable approach right? 2:13
Question #16: Can I be a gentleman of leisure? 5:05

Thursday: September 22, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #6: Following your intuition. 11:31
Question #17: I'm grumpy about my unmet expectations. 5:18
Question #18: What did I miss that I need to know about? 14:11
Question #19: This feeling of blah. 10:40

Friday: September 23, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: The unreasonableness of reasonableness. 6:48
Question #20: How can I tell the difference between intuition and needing to? 4:39
Question #21: Is there any merit to logic and reason? 4:34
Question #22: Decisions are made by feel. 8:52
Question #23: I'm going more by feel than ever before. 12:47

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Unreasonable Cash

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