The Problem With Trying To Make It Happen :: Register

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The Problem With Trying To Make It Happen

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What's this about?

Whenever you try to make something happen, you are actually getting in the way of having whatever the happening means to you.

Since you are a vibrational being...

And since physical reality is a construct in your mind...

There is actually nothing you ever HAVE to do.

But there may be many things you want to do.

As you deepen in your awareness of how physical reality wraps itself around you...

As you continue to remember that you are the reason why all of this magic is coming into play...

As you follow what feels better just because it feels better to feel better...

You will continue to notice, again and again, how amazing your experience is and how much better it's getting.

The main problem with trying to make it happen is that there really is no problem at all.

In this series of seven daily conversations, along with your amazing questions and the delicious answers that arise in response to them, we invite you to be more and more willing to see the perfection of your creation and let it become what you are intending for it to become.

This really can be quite magical, indeed.

And, as always, we say with great delight that this series of conversations will be the very best series yet. Specifically because you will be part of it.

We look forward to connecting with you in whatever way feels better to you.


August 27, 2016: The problem with trying to make it happen.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: August 27, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #1: The problem with trying to make it happen. 7:34
Question #1: These thoughts are a real muddle. 8:55
Question #2: I'm still trying to make it happen with my weight. 5:29
Question #3: My brother showed me the next thing I needed to know. 13:28

Sunday: August 28, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #2: The more you notice that you are in the right place at the right time. 9:35
Question #4: I'm still sad. 18:55
Question #5: I really am entitled to what I want. 5:50
Question #6: I really want a more organized home. 8:55

Monday: August 29, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #3: If I don't do it, it won't get done. 7:32

Tuesday: August 30, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #4: This really is the right place at the right time and it doesn't need to be fixed. 7:49
Question #8: I went to a new book club and it was wonderful. 2:06
Question #9: This was an example of things working out well for me. 9:55

Wednesday: August 31, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #5: You have to say you don't have it in order to get it. 11:17
Question #10: How can I get him to apologize to me? 5:17
Question #11: I have too much time on my own. 8:39
Question #12: I'm trying to figure too much out. 5:18

Thursday: September 1, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #6: You are always choosing. 9:18
Question #13: When I'm choosing to fall back and allow a thought... 19:55
Question #14: I fell down and allowed myself to feel the pain of it. 5:21
Question #15: More about feeling the vibrational awareness. 6:36

Friday: September 2, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: The power of not giving a fig. 6:30

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The Problem With Trying To Make It Happen

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