Practicum: Instant Manifestation (Cash) :: Register

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Practicum: Instant Manifestation (Cash)

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What's this about?

You never really get anything perfectly right.

This particular bugaboo seems to get under the skin of many of our physical friends.

And we certainly understand why.

In the chaotic universe, you need to get things right. This is considered essential for successful living.

In the intentional universe, the harder you try, the harder it gets.

In this powerful and delicious series of seven daily conversations, along with your wonderful questions and the magical answers that call forth, we will be offering you practical exercises to help you realize your amazing skills as a conscious creator who can bring forth instant manifestation.

Now, to be sure, this will not be a series of parlor tricks or rabbits being pulled out of hats.

In this practicum, we will offer you seven practical processes that you can use (or not) as it delights you to do so.

We don't offer these processes as principles to be practiced or adhered to. They are simply ideas to sample and use or edit or discard as it pleases you to do so.

Our focus in this practicum will be on the instant manifestation of cash. You can use these processes for any topic, but this is the one that it seems to us is the most useful and the most practical and the most immediate. In other words, it's the one that is the most likely to get you interested in helping yourself in this particular way.

We start with and end with one delicious thought: Instant manifestation is already happening.

We are inviting you to get on board with that fact and let more and more of the moments of your day be the amazing experiences, right in front of you, that they so easily can be.

And, as always, as good as all that we have offered has been, this will only be better and better.

And we look forward to connecting with you through this experience as it pleases you.


July 9, 2016: Conversation: Imagining your desire

July 9, 2016: Process: Imagining your desire

July 9, 2016: I caught myself wanting to get rid of something.

July 9, 2016: Directing my desire.

July 9, 2016: Is it the cash or what I want to do with the cash?

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: July 9, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #1: Imagining your desire. 6:08
Process #1: Imagining your desire. 12:00
Question #1: I caught myself wanting to get rid of something. 9:19
Question #2: Directing my desire. 6:09
Question #3: Is it the cash or what I want to do with the cash? 11:23

Sunday: July 10, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #2: Playing with the outcome. 7:37
Process #2: Playing with the outcome. 13:33
Question #4: Walking on the beach with my honey. 6:39
Question #5: I love the feeling of receiving cash. 10:17
Question #6: I do already possess whatever I desire. 6:28

Monday: July 11, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #3: Following the flow of the manifestation. 4:47
Process #3: Following the flow of the manifestation. 10:03
Question #7: This is the sticking point. 3:35
Question #8: It feels irresponsible to not deal with this. 5:10

Tuesday: July 12, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #4: Noticing the parts that don't fit. 3:17
Process #4: Noticing the parts that don't fit. 12:15
Question #10: What about imagining a lifestyle? 16:12
Question #11: My visualizations feel like fantasies. 7:35
Question #12: I'm confused about time. 20:03

Wednesday: July 13, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #5: Snapping your fingers. 4:44
Process #5: Snapping your fingers. 5:45
Question #13: I don't like to pay this one kind of bill. 5:10
Question #14: It's remarkable how I feel when I snap my fingers. 1:29
Question #15: What about when I see it's not there? 6:02
Question #16: Now it's done! 3:54

Thursday: July 14, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #6: Letting it run away and do its thing. 2:16
Process #6: Letting it run away and do its thing. 4:10
Question #17: I'm waiting for the universe to give my instructions. 6:11
Question #19: Why wouldn't I let the good-feeling thoughts run? 3:26
Question #20: What if I'm deluding myself? 4:56
Question #21: Shouldn't I be trying to control my opinions? 7:27

Friday: July 15, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: Having it now. 1:40
Process #7: Having it now. 6:43
Question #22: I let the experience of the imagining take care of itself. 3:26
Question #24: More about not caring whether you have it. 12:36
Question #25: I feel like I'm forcing my visualizations. 2:26

Friday: July 15, 2016

Description Length
Process #1: Imagining your desire. 12:00
Process #2: Playing with the outcome. 13:33
Process #3: Following the flow of the manifestation. 10:33
Process #4: Noticing the parts that don't fit. 12:15
Process #5: Snapping your fingers. 5:45
Process #6: Letting it run away and do its thing. 4:10
Process #7: Having it now. 6:43

What's the price?

kr 300 DKK
Optional Add-ons
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 kr 450 DKK
for 30 minutes (50% off)

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Practicum: Instant Manifestation (Cash)

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