The Power of Surrender :: Register

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The Power of Surrender

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What's this about?

We invite you to surrender to the inevitable manifestation of your powerful desires.

We invite you to surrender to the better-feeling thought that is yours right now.

We invite you to surrender to your native curiosity.

We invite you to surrender to your astounding creativity.

We invite you to surrender to the facts on the ground and not care what they mean.

We invite you to surrender to your role as the one who decides and directs, allows and receives.

In this series of seven daily conversations, along with your delicious questions and the powerful answers they bring, we invite you to harness the astonishing power of surrender.

Surrender means giving up early and often.

What are you giving up?

Resistance. That's all.

We look forward to the best workshop yet.

And we look forward to connecting with you through this experience in the way that is perfect for you.


June 12, 2016: The power of surrender.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: June 11, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #1: The power of surrender. 8:24
Question #1: I'm spending time with family. 5:09
Question #2: Is there a process? 6:45
Question #3: About surrender and action. 4:53
Question #4: A real widening of this space. 2:14

Sunday: June 12, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #2: The power of not doing. 14:49
Question #5: What is the definition of intuition? 5:10
Question #6: Can you surrender into a belief system? 6:34
Question #7: My physical universe consists of my perception. 5:38

Monday: June 13, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #3: The power of allowing. 8:08
Question #8: How am I supposed to look at all this? 11:11
Question #9: How do I surrender? 5:50

Tuesday: June 14, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #4: The power of appreciation. 10:42
Question #10: How can I get off this see-saw? 3:29
Question #11: All I see is a lifetime of surrender ahead of me. 2:40
Question #12: Is forgiveness the same as surrender? 5:22

Wednesday: June 15, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #5: The power of doing. 8:06
Question #13: Where's my brand new car? 7:18
Question #14: When I lose interest in something, is that part of the integration process? 4:55
Question #15: How can I turn from this wound? 16:00

Thursday: June 16, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #6: The power of opening. 10:17
Question #16: Pushing through. 9:02
Question #17: The opinions that say this is a terrible thing. 8:10
Question #18: Why can't I remember consciously choosing being here? 13:33
Question #19: Why do things materialize over time? 12:36

Friday: June 17, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: The power of surrender. 8:37
Question #20: There's really nothing I can do. 7:58
Question #21: I've been easing myself into where to go from here. 15:11

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
Optional Add-ons
Discounted private sessions
 $75 USD
for 30 minutes (50% off)

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The Power of Surrender

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