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Lazy Does It

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What's this about?

We've said it before and we will undoubtedly say it many, many times again:

The laziest person in the room wins!

We know that according to your culture, this is an insane idea!

You can't just sit on the couch, popping bon-bons, and expect stuff to fall from the sky, right?


Well, based on our experiences with our physical friends, we have to respectfully disagree.

We have had countless conversations about the events, situations, relationships, opportunities, and cash dollars (and pound and euro) that have literally fallen out of the sky for so many of our friends.

This, of course, does not surprise us one bit.

You, reading this, may be one of these people, in fact.

In fact, we would suggest that anyone who is reading these words has already experienced the power of lazy manifestation a number of times. Countless times, in fact.

In this series of seven fabulous conversations, coupled with your delightful questions and our expansive answers, we invite you to open up to your lazy power.

And, in this series of conversations, you will have an opportunity, in person or by email, to bring your many opinions, your inspirations, and your insights about this topic to the table.

We look forward to what arises since, as always, we know this will be the best of these series to date.


May 14, 2016: What does lazy mean?

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: May 14, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #1: What does lazy mean? 12:56
Question #1: I can't just sit on the couch all day. 12:15
Question #2: These sacrificial cookies. 10:01

Sunday: May 15, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #2: Why lazy and not easy? 9:28
Question #4: What do you mean by paying attention? 1:34
Question #5: I've had lots of free time in the past few months and this makes me nervous. 4:28

Monday: May 16, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #3: There's nothing you need do. 8:56
Question #7: I didn't want to buy the plane ticket. 2:50
Question #8: The theory of existence. 11:15
Question #9: I really don't have to do anything. 10:51
Question #10: Did I really know this day was coming? 10:21

Tuesday: May 17, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #4: How lazy you are already. 16:58
Question #11: But if I'm lazy then how will I pay the hydro bill? 13:12
Question #12: My client wants a refund. 19:40

Wednesday: May 18, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #5: Lazy wins. 7:21
Question #13: Am I trying too hard? 6:19
Question #15: Letting all this work for me. 5:02
Question #16: I tried sitting with the unwanted feeling. 4:05

Thursday: May 19, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #6: Being easy with yourself. 10:47
Question #17: Things are going wrong but I'm really excited about it. 8:13
Question #18: I'm seeing how much other people work. 8:15
Question #19: I feel a loose end with this client. 18:02

Friday: May 20, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: Lazy means having it. 7:04
Question #20: How do I drop it? 7:00
Question #21: I didn't like what I saw in the mirror. 6:14
Question #22: Lazy is what makes all the directives possible. 3:21

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Lazy Does It

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