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Moving Up

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What's this about?

When you let yourself feel something, you move up.

When you let yourself have something, you move up.

When you let yourself give up, you move up.

By moving up, we are referring to the idea of moving up vibrationally from a place where thoughts feel compressed and tight to a place where thoughts feel open and expansive.

When you hold on to the past, you cannot move up.

When you fear the future, you cannot move up.

When you hold on tightly to what you think you have, you cannot move up.

You are a vibrational being.

Nothing is more important than moving up.

Moving up, however, is not like being shot into outer space.

Moving up, however, is not like drinking a big cup of coffee.

Moving up, however, is not hard.

When you feel better, you are moving up.

Moving up happens here.

Moving up happens now.

Moving up changes everything.

We invite you to spend the next seven delicious days exploring what happens when you let yourself move up.

There is nothing to accomplish here.

But there is a whole heck of a lot that you can have as you move up.


May 7, 2016: Moving up is inevitable.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: May 7, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #1: Moving up is inevitable. 11:50
Question #2: All these amazing things have been happening for me. 11:23

Sunday: May 8, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #2: Moving up is the expansion of unconditional love. 13:07
Question #3: What about this nasty little habit? 9:00
Question #4: This momentum with my helpers. 4:26

Monday: May 9, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #3: Moving up is giving up. 8:38
Question #5: Is it better if I know why I feel bad? 3:41
Question #6: I want to get in the space of creating cash. 14:45
Question #7: I was swimming in a pool of love and that is who I am. 2:55

Tuesday: May 10, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #4: Moving up just feels better. 10:22
Question #8: I feel awful about money. 13:02
Question #9: I talk to myself about what's going on all the time. 12:44

Wednesday: May 11, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #5: Moving up is inevitable because of who you are. 11:23
Question #10: Am I asking the same question over and over again? 11:52
Question #12: It's not my job. 5:47

Thursday: May 12, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #6: Moving up is all around you. 10:04
Question #14: What about these videos of suffering animals? 22:59
Question #15: I'm unsure about putting down this old cat. 4:13

Friday: May 13, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: Moving is happening for you. 9:21
Question #16: What about the power of acceptance? 4:40

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Moving Up

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