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Magical Manifestation

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What's this about?

When we use the word magic, we are never referring to a slight of hand trick or the idea of simply waving a wand.

We always mean the deliciousness of encountering an idea of your own in its physical form.

This is quite magical.

In this series of conversations and questions about Magical Manifestation, we are inviting you to remember you innate ability, always at work, to manifest any idea into physical form.

By paying attention to your intention, you have endless opportunities to walk through your physical reality and more increasingly encounter the physical components of your amazing imagination, coupled with the guidance of your spot-on intuition, all the while feeling what it feels like to actually touch something that you yourself intended to have.

The juiciness of this experience is quite wonderful and you can easily have more of it.

You, of course, have manifested all of your reality and everything you touch was once simply an idea you were imagining.

The magical part arises when you know that this was your intention and you find it right in front of you and it really quite delicious, always perfect, and better than you actually had imagined.

For those of you who aren't sure you can do this, we look forward to reminding you of your capacity to do this.

For those of you who are familiar with this idea, we look forward to walking with you as you go more deeply into this magical world that is already surrounding you.

Wherever you are on this journey of allowing and remembering, we know that it will only be getting better and better indeed.

And we very much look forward to being with you as you remember this too.


March 27, 2016: Conversation #1: What is magical manifestation?

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: March 26, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #1: What is magical manifestation? 16:45
Question #1: I'm intending a wallet crammed with hundred-dollar bills. 12:28
Question #2: My knees feel so much better. 9:17
Question #3: A psychic told me to slow down. 7:46

Sunday: March 27, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #2: What is real is how it feels. 12:44
Question #4: I bought my new wallet. 23:43
Question #5: I do feel better because I walked through the door with intention. 14:44

Monday: March 28, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #3: Calling it magical. 12:04
Question #6: What about doors as portals? 11:08
Question #8: The choice between the tangible and the vibrational. 9:23

Tuesday: March 29, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #4: Time is always helping you. 11:45
Question #9: Paying the rent. 20:58
Question #10: Bless their hearts. 15:06

Wednesday: March 30, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #5: More about the magic. 14:37
Question #11: I want more aerobic endurance. 15:10

Thursday: March 31, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #6: Your role in the manifestation. 12:04
Question #13: This doesn't feel like home. 17:08
Question #14: My ex asked about buying property together. 15:50

Friday: April 1, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: Putting your attention on your intention. 10:30
Question #15: What I love about what I do are the kids and their parents. 8:19
Question #16: I want new friends. 8:19

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Magical Manifestation

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