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Leveraging the Magic of Contrast

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What's this about?

We invite you to notice that when things don't quite the way you want them to, it is not a failure on your part, it is simply an opportunity to make a new choice.

This approach, while simple in description, may ask you to let go of some long-held ideas that you have probably been fighting with for some time:

  • I have to get it right or else I will get in trouble
  • If I don't do it myself, it won't get done.
  • I need to do something, anything. Just do something to be doing something.
  • If I get caught unprepared, then I will be found out as the fool I probably am.
  • If I don't hurry, then I will miss it.

In this series of 7 daily conversations and questions, we will be inviting you to notice that the contrast of things not quite working out is a powerful place to leverage and is always available whenever you notice it.

You can, indeed, make some very delicious lemonade out of just about any old lemon you come across.

But there is more to this than lemons to lemonade.

Leveraging the magic of contrast is all about noticing the power of your thoughts and, ultimately, your connection to the astonishing power of indwelling infinite intelligence that is always working on your behalf.

In the examples we listed, every one of them denies your true essence and your true power.

And, when you do this, it hurts because it isn't true.

You are an amazing being of light, manifesting unconditional love through the form of your physical reality.

Leveraging the magic of contrast means that you notice the inherent perfection of each moment and give your attention to the fact that everything, wanted or not, is actually happening very much to your benefit and on your behalf, right now.

We invite you to notice this and let yourself have the delicious experiences that will arise as a result.


February 27, 2016: Conversation #1: What it means to leverage contrast.

February 27, 2016: Question #1: The contrast of all this political criticism.

March 4, 2016: Rampage #1: Leveraging the magic of contrast

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: February 27, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #1: What it means to leverage contrast. 14:37
Question #1: The contrast of all this political criticism. 10:40
Question #2: The contrast of waiting for a funeral procession. 7:53

Sunday: February 28, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #2: The magic of contrast is found in your intuition. 14:38
Question #3: Each choice keeps flowing. 7:13
Question #4: I'm really enjoying my own company these days. 12:17

Monday: February 29, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #3: Doing what you want to do. 13:23
Question #5: What about making a commitment? 33:30

Tuesday: March 1, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #4: Letting the magic of the contrast happen. 12:14
Question #6: I wanted to pay the rent exactly on time. 8:14
Question #7: I thought my friend blocked me. 6:28

Wednesday: March 2, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #5: This contrast is happening for you. 12:01
Question #8: I had a small argument with my sister. 14:38
Question #9: A profound transformation in my thinking about my body. 3:51
Question #11: I want a clear and uncluttered home. 6:34

Thursday: March 3, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #6: Looking at the contrast. 12:27
Question #12: The contrast of money. 25:02

Friday: March 4, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: Feeling better is more important than anything else. 6:25
Question #13: How can I feel better about not doing things? 8:01
Question #14: The load is lifting. 7:29
Rampage #1: Leveraging the magic of contrast. 6:52

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Leveraging the Magic of Contrast

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