The Cash That Pleases You :: Register

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The Cash That Pleases You

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What's this about?

This leading-edge conversation is all about two things:


Your Pleasure

We will start at the beginning of this conversation and then finish at the end.

Everything that happens between the beginning and the end will be whatever it is that arises from your participation.

If you are intrigued by the topic of actually simply manifesting cash because it pleases you, then this might very well be the right place to be.

If you are lighting up with the thought that the having of cash is actually connected to the pleasure of having it, then this might very well be the right place to be.

If you are finding that it feels better to explore simple ideas about how delicious it is to have what you actually intend to have, then this might very well be the right place to be.

If it pleases you to participate in this conversation, bringing your own questions to the table as it pleases you to do so, then this might very well be the right place to be.

In our introduction to this topic, in the conversations we will be having, in the answers we will offer in response to your questions, and in the rampages and directives you may be wanting to request, we will be saying one thing again and again: the cash you have now is the cash that it pleases you to have.

It may take a bit to fully comprehend the simplicity of this proposition, but we feel quite certain that you can feel the freedom of this perspective almost immediately.

And, if you are interested in the freedom that underlies and surrounds this proposition, then this might very well be the right place to be.

We look forward to our conversations with you on this topic and to the deliciousness that will certainly arise within them.

As it pleases you to have, of course.


January 30, 2016: Conversation #1: Cash and that which pleases you.

January 30, 2016: Question #3: Is this what you're saying?

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: January 30, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #1: Cash and that which pleases you. 16:40
Question #1: Am I doing this because it feels better? 5:48
Question #2: If I can see the money, I feel good. 5:07
Question #3: Is this what you're saying? 4:58

Sunday: January 31, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #2: This topic may bring up some juicy contrast. 17:10
Question #4: Is it the amount of cash or the feeling of having the cash? 5:27
Question #5: How do you know when you're reaching too small? 3:53
Question #6: Feeling the intensity of this desire. 12:46

Monday: February 1, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #3: The cash that you have is the cash that pleases you. 23:05
Question #7: Moving from asking how it's learning to stating that it's helping 5:22

Tuesday: February 2, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #4: You have the very best version of your intention right now. 17:08
Question #8: Do I have to do all of this work to get there? 7:40
Question #9: Suspicion about this bill of goods. 10:04

Wednesday: February 3, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #5: Really noticing what pleases you to do. 11:54
Question #10: I put in an application for the penthouse. 10:29
Question #11: Clarity on what everything is helping me actually means. 12:06
Question #12: I was really excited to join this group and then it got hard. 8:08

Thursday: February 4, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #6: The practical matter of it all. 17:42
Question #13: I'm feeling such wonderful freedom with all this cash. 11:21
Question #14: Playing with cash. 5:40
Question #15: Fitting this contrast into the story of what is happening. 7:21
Question #16: Wanting it to happen. 7:10

Friday: February 5, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: Liberating your desire. 18:19
Question #17: Avoiding future disappointment. 5:48
Question #18: There really are no principles here. 11:20
Question #19: I want this to be so much easier. 6:52

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The Cash That Pleases You

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