Wealth By Intuition :: Register

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Wealth By Intuition

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What's this about?

Over these seven days of conversations, questions, rampages, and directives we invite you to follow your intuition, that thought that feels better now in the thinking and those actions that feel better now in the doing, into the amplification of your amazing wealth and wellbeing.

Anything you can conceive of having is yours for the imagining.

All you need do is to take a moment and feel into the thought and then allow your intuition to lead the way into more and more of that experience.

In this series we will be offering you a number of insights into how this may work for you.

You will have the opportunity to bring your own specific questions about what you desire to create in terms of wealth.

And you will be able to listen along as others bring their questions, as well.

We intend to bring a very practical approach to the imagining, the having, and the manifestation of your wealth and wellbeing to these conversations and our interactions with you.

This is a magical time to bring your intentions to the table and amplify them with us in this powerful Communion of Light vortex, however you choose to participate.

Your intuition is always working for you.

And, in the choice to participate in this series, you will know whether it feels better to do so or not.

We look forward to connecting with you in whatever way is right for you.


January 16, 2016: Conversation #1: Something wonderful is at play here.


January 16, 2016 Something wonderful is at play here.
January 17, 2016 Following what feels better.
January 18, 2016 Leveraging the contrast.
January 19, 2016 The immediacy of intuition.
January 20, 2016 This new beginning.
January 21, 2016 Your new life.
January 22, 2016 The practical application of this idea.

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
Optional Add-ons
Discounted private sessions
 $75 USD
for 30 minutes (50% off)

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Wealth By Intuition

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