Metaphysics 101: Money :: Register

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Metaphysics 101: Money

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What's this about?

We welcome you to our first adjunct conversation on the topic of money and the basics of metaphysics.

In this 7-day series of conversations we will be walking through some very basic ideas about who you are in relationship to money, and by extension prosperity, abundance, and wealth.

What this conversation series will not be is anything at all resembling a course on finances.

What this conversation series will be is all about what money is, what you want more of it for, and the immediacy of your desires in this regard.

We will not be helping you prepare for an uncertain future.

We will be inviting you to open up to what you actually have built up a great desire to experience, whatever that may be.

In this series, we will spend a bit of time each day introducing a basic metaphysical concept around the idea of money and then expand then to as far as we can go on the leading edge so as to invite you to find your way into the manifestation of what you actually want instead of what you have been willing to settle for.

In this way, this will be a very basic conversation indeed.

And, as with all of these series, we do invite you to join us as it feels better to do so.

We certainly look forward to connecting with you in whatever way that may be and look forward to the perfect and delicious unfolding of this series as we know will, indeed, happen.


April 23, 2014 Metaphysics 101: Money Morning Conversation
April 24, 2014 Metaphysics 101: Money Morning Conversation
April 25, 2014 Metaphysics 101: Money Morning Conversation
April 26, 2014 Metaphysics 101: Money Morning Conversation
April 27, 2014 Metaphysics 101: Money Morning Conversation
April 28, 2014 Metaphysics 101: Money Morning Conversation
April 29, 2014 Metaphysics 101: Money Morning Conversation

What's the price?

$25.00 USD
Optional Add-ons
Discounted private sessions
 $75 USD
for 30 minutes (50% off)

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Metaphysics 101: Money

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Lake Tahoe sky image. Copyright Frank Butterfield.